KHAS Faculty of Law Wednesday Conference – Asst. Prof. Esra Hamamcıoğlu and Asst. Prof. Argun Karamanlıoğlu
2 February 2022
KHAS Faculty of Law Wednesday Conferences host Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra Hamamcıoğlu and Asst. Prof. Dr. Argun Karamanlıoğlu, members of the Commercial Law Department of our Faculty for their speech titled “Legal Overview of Family Businesses” on Wednesday, February 2, at 3:00 PM.
This conference will take place via Zoom and is open to anyone interested.
Zoom Meeting ID: 836 7884 1165
Password: 431908
The event is in Turkish.
Public Online Colloquium #32: Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz Eroğlu
KHAS LITLAB Information Technologies and Law Conferences – Assoc. Prof. Barış Özçelik