For bachelor students, It is recommended to do their exchange in their 3rd year of study. However, it is possible to go on an exchange after the compilation of the first year of studies at the earliest.

It is risky, but you can go; however, it is critical to acknowledge that your graduation might be affected due to the failure of some courses and the late arrival of your transcript.

Yes, you can benefit from mobility as a zero-grant student. The procedures and the recognition would be the same.

For student mobility and traineeship mobility, at each cycle (bachelor’s, master’s, and phd), you have 12 months max.

Yes! On the condition that your coordinator at Kadir Has and the host university approves your extension.

During the nomination period, the welcoming university receives huge applications and questions. Please give them sufficient time (10 to 16 days), and then you can send a reminder email (please cc our office address in your e-mail so we can also follow up on your case).

You can apply but cannot benefit from two mobility programs in the same period. You must choose one of the two exchange mobility or use the other mobility in a different period.

Yes! It’s essential. You must renew your registration at Kadir Has before you go. However, you are not allowed to take or attend any courses online or offline from Kadir Has.