Please have a look at our Erasmus+ Partners List.

Duration of Mobility

Study mobility should be minimum 3 months, maximum 12 months.

A student may receive Erasmus mobility grants for a maximum of 12 months in any study cycle (Bachelor/ Master/PhD).

Extension of Mobility

Extension can only take place if there is available student quota /budget for partner university. Semester extension can only take place from Fall to Spring.

The students who participate in Erasmus+ in the fall semester, have the right to extend their mobility period to spring semester as well. If you would like to extend your stay to spring semester, please follow the steps listed below:

Contact the Departmental Representative at Kadir Has University and get his/her signature for erasmus extension form.

Ask to the Erasmus and Exchange Office at the host university and get the confirmation from them, and send it to the Erasmus and Exchange Office at Kadir Has University.

If the requested extensions are exceeding our Erasmus+ budget, the requests will be accepted from highes score student to the lowest.

Interruption of Mobility

Mobility should be completed without any interruption. For study mobility, semester breaks and official holidays are not counted as interruption. If student leaves the city/country where his/her mobility is taking place for more than 7 calendar days (including weekends), the grant is not paid for this period.

In case the mobility is interrupted due to a force majeure, the grant is paid just for the actualized period of the mobility if the force majeure is documented.

Thanks to the cooperation of the e-Devlet portal with the European Union Education and Youth Programs Center Presidency, Erasmus applications will now be made through e-Devlet,

For this reason, students who do not have an e-Devlet password must complete the process of obtaining a password before the application date. You can log in to the e-Devlet website with the password you will receive from PTT centers. Application system will be close sharply on the date of 29/02/2024!

If you are a Graduate Student, you should declare a Language Certificate (We accept, Toefl, YDS, E-YDS, YÖKDİL).

If you did not fulfil the English Courses (EL101-102-201-202) (This document is not asked to the students who fulfils the EL course conditions and the students who are exempt). This document must declare firstly to the Student Affairs Office for your English Grade. (Toefl, YDS, E-YDS, YÖKDİL).

The subsistence grants amount for students for studying or doing internships according to the countries are pre-determined. The subsistence grants for regions are determined separately.

Monthly Student Studying Subsistence 2025-2026 (€)

1st and 2nd Group Program Countries: Denmark, Ireland, France, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Iceland, Malta, Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia>>> 600 EUR

3rd Group Program Countries: Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia >>> 450 EUR

Green Travel Grant

With the new Erasmus+ Program students are encouraged to use low emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train, or car-pooling. Students who will use these means of transport will receive a single contribution of 50 EUR as a top-up amount to the individual support and up to 4 days of extra grant to cover travel days for a return trip, if relevant.

Important: At the end of the mobility, students are obliged to present documents (entry, exit stamps bus ticket, train ticket etc.) proving that the green travel methos has been used. Zero-grant students are not eligible for green travel grant.

Grant Deduction

Deductions and/or repayment may apply to students who do not fulfill their responsibilities and/or are unsuccessful.

The student should successfully complete 20 ECTS to get the remaining 20% of the grant.

If the student does not complete the online final participant report (EU Survey) after the mobility, %20 of the grant will be deducted. If OLS exams are not completed, 5% of the grant based on total duration of mobility shall be deducted.

Force Majeure (Mücbir Sebep in Turkish): Force Majeure is an unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the participant’s control and not attributable to error or negligence on his/her part and prevents participant from fulfillment of liability under the Agreement).

If a student returns home country before the end of the mobility period and/or before the min. required duration (min. 3 months), then sanctions regarding the Erasmus+ grant will be implemented.

If student think that there is “Force Majeure” situation, he/she should should immediately get in touch with Erasmus and Exchange Office before leaving the host country. We will consult your case to Turkish National Agency (NA). If TNA approves the situation as “Force Majeure”, then we will inform the student and the student will be able to return home before waiting the end of the mobility period.

The student will only receive the grant for actual days of mobility. If the student returns home without getting in touch with Erasmus and Exchange office first, then the mobility might be considered as invalid, and the student will be asked to return his/her %70 of grant.

Zero Grant Student

Students can participate in Erasmus+ Study program without receiving a grant. However, it should be noted that the students must go through the same application & selection procedures and submit all required documents in a timely manner.

Erasmus Disability Grant

Additional grants are available for students with disabilities and health conditions wishing to participate in an Erasmus+ placement and where participation would not be possible without extra financial support.

The additional allowance is offered when disabilities or health conditions lead to additional mobility costs, which exceed the maximum grant allocations allowed, and which cannot be recovered from other sources. The grant covers approved actual costs.

Student’s application must include a statement from a doctor or other authority confirming the disability or health condition, its severity, the impact on the Erasmus+ mobility, additional requirements, and additional costs to be met. A detailed estimate of costs is required.

Additional Grant Opportunity for Students with Financial Needs

ImportantThis part is only applicable to students who hold Turkish citizenship!

Economically disadvantaged students (Students who are covered by the 2828 numbered Social Services Law, Students who receive orphan’s pension, Students who are veterans, children of martyrs and veterans, and students or the student’s parents receive financial aid), who are selected for the Study Mobility will be paid an extra grant of 250 € per month from the study mobility budget.

To benefit from the additional grant, the student must submit the official document proving that the student or the student’s parents receive financial aid from municipalities, Ministries, Social Welfare and Solidarity Foundations, T.R. Directorate General of Foundations, Turkish Red Crescent or AFAD, during the application phase.

General Procedures

Students are supposed to finish at least 1 academic year. This criterion doesn’t apply for the Internship exchanges. You to be registered full-degree student

Applicants must get minimum grade of CB in EL 101-102, and CC in EL201-202; or they must provide a minimum TOEFL IBT score of 78, or minimum YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL score of 65, or CAE (Cambridge English Scale) score of 160. If you have to take a new test please note that you need to plan your application accordingly as it takes time to get the result of them.

The minimum grade of CB in KHAS 103 and KHAS 105 is required for Core program students.

For undergraduate students’ minimum GPA 2.20, for graduate students’ minimum GPA 2.50 criteria need to be fulfilled.

Placement will be based on 50% GPA and 50% Language score so the higher scores students have, the better chance of placement students will have.

Attendance to orientation meetings is compulsory to make your application!

The applications must be done on time according to the deadlines and must be done officially.


Erasmus students are selected by their sending higher education institution in a fair and transparent way.

Selection is done based on 50% GPA and 50% Language score.

In addition to academic achievement and language score, if the applicant has benefited from another Lifelong Learning Program or Erasmus+ mobility scheme while pursuing the same level of academic degree, 10 points will be subtracted for each and every activity utilized (regardless of whether internship or education) when calculating academic achievement and language score averages.

Disabled students receive +10 points if they can provide official document in application.

Children of martyr and veteran people receive +15 points.

Students who are covered under Social Services Law numbered 2828 receive +10 points if they can provide official document in application.

Students who want to participate in mobility programs in their birth country receive -10 points.

All eligible applicants are ranked from the highest to the lowest score by faculty, and the top-scoring students are selected depending on faculty quotas.

After you are selected, please note that you will be expected to submit documents below to Erasmus and Exchange Office:

* Erasmus+ Study Program Commitment Letter: This letter should be read by the student carefully and signed version should be submitted to Erasmus and Exchange Office.

* Learning Agreement for Study: Students have to fill in all the parts on the Learning Agreement electronically. Hand-written Learning Agreement is not accepted by the office. Students are asked to fill in the Learning Agreement and sign it. Students should also get the signature of the host university’s representative, Departmental Erasmus Coordinator. Electronically filled out and fully signed LA should be submitted to Erasmus and Exhange office. To see how to fill out a learning agreement, please check here.

* Letter of Acceptance: You are asked to submit the “Letter of Acceptance” when you receive it from the host university.

* Course Equivalency Form: Similar to Learning Agreement, you are asked the fill out the Course Equivalency Form in coordination with your Departmental Academic Erasmus Coordinator. Participant is required to submit the approved & signed form to Erasmus and Exchange office.

* Insurance: Students are required to have an international insurance coverage for the duration of their mobility and submit the proving paperwork to Erasmus and Exchange Office.

* Online Linguistic Support (OLS): Once students complete above-mentioned documents, they will be assigned an online language test via e-mail by Erasmus and Exchange Office. This test has to be completed within the timeline provided. If it is not completed on time, sanctions mentioned in the grant agreement will be implemented.

* Garanti Bank Euro Account.

* Grant Agreement: Once the student completes and submits all the documents to Erasmus and Exchange office, a draft version of the Grant Agreement is shared with the student by Erasmus and Exchange Office. The student is obliged to fill in necessary places (i.e. bank account details, etc.), sign each page of the agreement and sign the signatory part of two copies of the agreement. The student is then asked to submit 2 signed copies to Erasmus and Exchange office.

During your stay at the host university, you can change your courses on the Learning Agreement by filling out the During the Mobility Section. If you would like to change your courses, please follow the steps listed below:

Download the During the Mobility Section of the Learning Agreement by clicking the document’s name. Consult your Departmental Representatives at Kadir Has University regarding changes to the courses and have the copy signed by him/her. And then send it to the Erasmus and Exchange Office through [email protected]. The students who participate in Erasmus+ in the fall semester have the right to extend their mobility period to the spring semester. If you would like to extend your stay to the spring semester, please follow the steps listed below:
Contact the Departmental Representative at Kadir Has University and get his/her permission to prolong your stay.

Ask the Erasmus and Exchange Office at the host university and get the confirmation from them, and send it to the Erasmus and Exchange Office at Kadir Has University.

Following the completion of the program, student has to take the following steps:

* Certificate of Attendance: Submit the Certificate of Participation to Erasmus and Exchange Office.

* Learning Agreement-After Mobility: Submit “After Mobility” part of LA after getting the required signatures.

* OLS: Students are required to complete the 2nd OLS test at the end of their mobility period. If any of OLS exams (before and after mobility) are not completed, 5% of the grant shall be deducted.

* Online EU Survey: If the participant does not complete the final participant report (EU Survey) after the mobility, %20 of the grant will be deducted.

* Transcript: You are required to submit a copy of your transcript to Erasmus and Exchange Office. Most of the time, partner universities send transcripts to the office and then inform students. Students are required to collect the original copy of their transcript from Erasmus and Exchange Office.

  1. Commitment Letter
  2. Learning Agreement
  3. How to fill out a Learning Agreement
  4. Course Equivalency Form (for bacholar degree)
  5. Course Equivalency Form (for master and phd degree) / – Before Mobility / – After Mobility
  6. Grant Agreement
  7. Certificate of Attendance
  8. Cancellation Petition
  9. Faculty Petition
The Grant

The grant is paid in two installments:

The first installment (70% of the total amount) is paid within 30 days of signing the mobility grant agreement which has to be signed by student and KHAS (You need to submit your visa in order to sign your grant agreement.)

The remaining 30% is paid after the participant returns and upon proper delivery of all the required final mobility documents and online tests. This second installment will not be paid until all the required documents are submitted.

You will not be able to receive remaining 30% of the Erasmus grant if you cannot receive satisfactory marks in 2/3 (20 ECTS) of the courses that you take at the host (partner) university.

Important Note: Erasmus funds are granted for support and do not guarantee to cover all your expenses. There will also be no additional fund for passport, visa, transportation and accommodation. You should consult your bank about withdrawing money at overseas.


Please have a look on the website of your host institution and pay attention to the deadlines for applying for a student dormitory. If you do not want to stay in a dormitory, there will be a lot of opportunities to find a shared-flat or an apartment with different facebookgroups.


Erasmus Play is a student accommodation search engine for students coming to European universities. It allows you to quickly and easily compare all available accommodation. You will also be able to book safely as all accommodation is provided by verified platforms. Book your student flat in 3 steps:

– Choose your university and your dates.

– Compare all available accommodation.

– Click and book completely safe.

For communication, please visit Erasmus Play’s page.



You should buy a healt insurance valid for your stay. It should cover expenses after an accident or sudden illness, transporting to the dwelling after discharge and funeral transport as well. Additional you need covered persona liability, baggage lost, pick-pocket, credit card and ID card. For more information, feel free to contact consult department of foreign affairs at the provincial directorates of social security institution.

Some countries have signed a Social Security Agreement with Turkey. For more Information please have a look on this website: Please get information about the insurance policies of the country you will study.

Renewing registration at KHAS

You should renew your registration at KHAS and pay your tuition fee before you depart for the host Institution. You will be exempted from fees for tuition, registration, examinations, and charges for access to laboratories or libraries at the receiving institution however, you still need to pay some fees that all students are paying at the host institution (transportation card fee, credit fee €125, etc..)


Remember that the country that you are traveling to may require you to obtain a visa. For the most accurate and current information, please contact with the consulate of the country you are going to for study via webpage, phone, appointment etc. Most of the countries are working with IDATA or VFS Global.

Possible Problems

Please be aware of language barriers. You should learn at least survival level of the language of the host country or should have an advanced level in english. We can also appoint online language courses free of charge. If you would like to stay in a dorm, please be aware that the dorms could be mixed.