Prof. Dr. Nimet Uray’s TÜBİTAK 1001 Project Has Been Funded

17 August 2023

We are pleased to announce that the project, based on the PhD thesis proposal of Ece Yılmaz Kozlu (PhD student in the Department of Business Administration), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nimet Uray, entitled “Investigation of the Interaction between Perceived Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence-Based (Digital) Services, Value Co-creation and Continual Use Intention: A Study on MS Patients” has been funded by TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Program.

This project aims to develop a model that analyzes how creating shared value between patients and physicians through a digital health application in the healthcare services sector will increase the perceived patient well-being and, consequently, how it will affect the sustainable usage of this model. It involves conducting a model through survey-based quantitative research and appropriate data analysis methods.

We congratulate our faculty member and PhD student for their achievement and wish them success.